Benefits of outsourcing your FG

The DPO Centre's outsourced data protection officer provides flexible and tailored data protection support, advice and expertise for your organization – wherever you are in the UK.

The service provides you with highly experienced and qualified Data Protection Officers (DPOs) who work on site as full members of your team.

There are numerous benefits to outsourcing your DPO role to The DPO Centre, but we have listed the ten most important ones for you below.

Top 10 Most Important Benefits

  1. The DPO Centre has provided data protection services to over 1,000 clients across a wide range of sectors, giving our team a much broader knowledge base than a small team or a single person could acquire and maintain.
  2. Unlike other outsourced service providers, our DPOs work with you (where required) in your offices as a full member of your team, immersing themselves in your corporate culture and taking a proactive rather than reactive approach to your needs.
  3. Your FG will be selected from a team of full-time FGs, one of the largest FG teams in existence. They will therefore be able to consult with and draw knowledge from their colleagues, so that the interpretations of the law and the decisions taken are derived from a much broader and multifaceted knowledge base.
  4. A DPO from The DPO Centre offers you, instead of a stand-alone person, the benefit of our constantly evolving and improving central pool of processes and proven model documentation. This means that your DPO only spends the necessary time tailoring the processes to your needs, without having to research and create them from scratch.
  5. As a member of a larger team, additional resources can be deployed if necessary.
  6. The DPO Centre has extensive knowledge of data protection and cybersecurity platforms, tools, vendors and software solutions, so can provide informed guidance, reduce decision time and improve choice.
  7. Your primary FG is responsible for the role and is supported (at no extra cost) by a secondary FG who steps in when needed. This ensures a seamless service and avoids the distraction, cost and inconvenience of recruiting replacements.
  8. The operating costs are only the time of your FG that you use, and you never have to meet the costs of continuous training, secondary employment conditions, absence, vacation or illness. In addition, you avoid all labor obligations.
  9. Your DPO activities are monitored and managed by The DPO Centre’s Head of DPOs, so they do not take up the time or attention of your management team. The quality of service is also monitored by our Head of Client Services, ensuring we always deliver an appropriate, structured, coordinated and quality-driven service.
  10. Our DPOs work according to a proven remit, developed through collaboration with a range of clients. Each element of the workflow is linked to the  seven principles of the GDPR , meaning we can clearly demonstrate and regularly report on how risk is developing and reducing over time.
We firmly believe that these benefits together ensure that a  DPO Centre FG  brings much more value to this key role than a small team, a single independent contractor or an internal employee.
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Benefits of our outsourced data protection services

Thanks to the in-depth knowledge and experience within our team, The DPO Centre's services deliver much more value to your organisation than the services of an independent contractor or smaller data protection team. We can demonstrate our experience across industries and organizations and our consultants have worked with a variety of platforms, tools, vendors and software, allowing us to provide cost-effective, informed guidance and appropriate solutions.

Very cost effective.

Experience and shared best practices gained from working with more than 1,000 clients.

Designated Data Protection Officer working with your team on site.

Already existing model documentation that has been tested and validated in various sectors.

Pragmatic, clear and solution-oriented advice.

UK and pan-European expertise.

Data protection solutions across industries

Every sector needs data protection solutions, but not every sector faces the same issues. Risk levels vary by sector depending on specific compliance standards and market expectations. The DPO Centre understands the specific requirements of your sector and our experts can provide tailor-made solutions for your organisation.

Our experts have years of experience in providing data protection and compliance services for various sectors. We also offer you the peace of mind that you are working with one of the largest and most established data protection service providers.

Whatever sector you work in; our expert FGs provide you with tailor-made solutions to meet your needs and ensure compliance.

Medical sector and healthcare

Software and technology

Retail and eCommerce

Financial sector and insurance industry

Education, schools and universities

Charities and non-profit organisations

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